Steps On How to Pre-Order Online

Here are some instructions on how to pre-order with our new POS system. Pre-online and in store are available until December 18th

Finding the menu

When you get onto our website click on the online shop to access the Holiday Pre-order menu.

Once on ordering site

Once on the ordering website go ahead and click on the X and disregaurd the scheduled pick up date.

Choosing your Pick-up day

Once you see the menu options click on the “Holiday Order” section. Carefully select which pick up date and time you would like to order on.

Choose your items

Once you have selected your pick up date procced to choose the items that you would like to pre-order and add them to your bag.

Double Check before check out

Before continuing to check out please double check that you selected the right date and items that you wanted. Then continue to checkout.

Continue to payment

Once in the check out section disregard the “When” date listed, we will only see the pre-order date on our end. Proceed to put your card information in.

Final Receipt

Once you have confirmed your payment and filled out your information you will receive your confirmation. Please double check one final time.

Email Confirmation and Order Number

You will receive an email confirmation that you will need to save for the day of your pick up. There is an order number connected to your specific order and thats how you will claim it day of.